Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You're Frisky Again? Didn't We Just Hve Sex-In April?

President Bush Getting Frisky
Low-energy vs. high-energy.

Do you agree or disagree with "What a Woman Needs to Enjoy Sex" (p 64)?  Why or why not?


  1. I don't consider myself a high-energy or a low-energy person. Do I have to be one or the other?

    I'm not sure what it says on p. 64 because I loaned my book. I want to feel calm, not rushed, close, not tired, etc. to be in the mood. That is difficult with two small kids in a small place. So what I really like is a rhythm. Seriously, a planned out schedule of 'these are the days we have sex'. (Ours is more like pick one of these two days and two of these three days. This day is out completely.) It helps me a lot. A LOT. We got out of a schedule after moving and trying to stop nursing but we have started up again and it makes me so happy to have a feeling of control.

    I know YOU (Jessica) don't have a schedule. Is the idea appalling to you?

    I think our schedule is an answer to his question: What is your rhythm versus your guy's rhythm?

    I made one more comment on this chapter that I find interesting at the moment. I must work at my marriage just as I must work at parenting. Glorifying God comes from me working.

    1. Page 64 (Yes, I am avoiding answering your question.) says
      1. To feel loved, prized, and valued.
      2. To be listened to and respected.
      3. A romantic atmosphere. (It's why sex on the spot may work in the movies, but it's unrealistic in real life. A woman wants to feel clean -- to pay attention to certain areas of her body before she wants to be touched. Hygiene is very important. All guys need is the sniff test.)
      4. Privacy. (Absolutely not in her mother-in-law's house.)
      5. To be understood and cuddled.

      To #4 -- REALLY? Why?
      To #3 -- My dh is way more concerned about this than I am.
      Not appalling. Ours is sort of scheduled. Pretty much nothing Monday through Thursday because of work schedule and then, well, that leaves Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
      My rhythm fluctuates all over the place. Rick's is a constant.
      I'm not sure you get to know if you are a high-energy or low-energy person. Compared to you (Nicole) I'm a low-energy. However, several people I know, Sarah being one of them, comment on how much I accomplish and do. Which leaves me wondering, "What am I doing that they are noticing? Because, honestly, I feel like a HUGE slacker most of the time."

    2. #4 I disagree with as well.

      I just feel 'energized' by certain things and 'dragged down' by other things. I want to know how to better control feeling 'energized.'

      I feel like you are high-energy at: going places, talking to friends, cooking an involved meal, yard work and taking meals to people.

      I just want to keep busy. I like to do things. I have been feeling not challenged recently and it bothering me. I like to paint because it is difficult and emotional taxing. I like to teach because it is creative and spending time with children. I like to read because it is gaining knowledge that I then want to apply and share. I don't feel like I have been accomplishing a lot lately.

      I want my motivations to be Godly.

    3. (Sorry for the bad grammar. I am trying to ignore the fact my toddler is outside the door instead of SLEEPING.)

  2. Interesting photo you picked. Did you know that is President Bush?

    1. Yes, I did. Was curious if anyone would catch the who.

    2. Why did you choose this photo?

    3. I had it picked before I read the,"Who." If you glance at it, it fits the title. Although, I have to admit that I was shocked that Walsh; a very good volleyball player, I enjoy watching her play; was in such a pose with someone so much her senior.

    4. It does fit the title. I think, the perspective in the photo is off and his hand isn't as close to her backside as it appears to be. I also think she is dressed in her 'work attire' so she probably didn't think anything of it because she feels comfortable wearing that suit.

  3. Like I said, "If you glance at it..." If you look at it more than 2 seconds, his hand isn't touching her and, yes, she is in "work attire."
