Friday, June 15, 2012

Summing Up Chapters 9-17

Does your husband realize that sometimes you're going to be simply too tired for any sexual interlude? (p 119)
Page 133, "I believe the ideal split should be 90 percent talking about sex and 10 percent engaging in a sensual, intimate activity."

What are things the two of you discovered that you enjoy doing together, just the two of you?
"Could it be time to cut yourself some slack?  To accept the love handles you have and move on?" (p.170)


  1. Yes.
    Maybe more 50/50.
    1. Cooking
    2. Driving around town while the girls sleep.
    NO! 5lbs to pre-baby weight. I'm not ready to give up.

    Notes/Comments from above chapters:
    p.125 What do I spend money on that I could be devoting that money towards our relationship? (Nothing. The author seems obsessed with hotel rooms. I do not want to spend money on that.)

    p.130 Have you noticed how your sex life effects your kids?

    p.140 Talk about your relationship each night for 20 minutes. I don't see this working for us.

    p. 141 'Why am I Afraid to Tell you Who I am?' by John Powell
    5 clique conversations
    4 reporting facts about others
    3 ideas and judgements
    2 feelings and emotions
    1 complete emotions and personal truthfulness in communication

    p. 143 Are you angry often? Anger stems from not getting what you want.

    The first born is the critical one. Being critical is a way to hide your own inadequacies. ME.

    p. 146 Do you fight about sex or money?
    Neither... if I have to choose one sex, I guess. Only because if we aren't on a schedule I get pissy.

    p. 158 "The state of sex in your marriage will reflect the state of your marriage." ...mmm, no. What if you just had a baby? or you lost a child? or your work schedule changed? or or or... this is a real blanket statement.

    p. 169 People aren't particularly pretty- SO TRUE, me included. Beauty is made.

    p.204 The author says basically your guy is depressed if he doesn't want to have sex with you. THEN on p. 205 He asks if he is gay!

    Lots of comments respond at whatever you wish.

  2. I TOTALLY pulled the comment on p 170 just for you. :-) You are welcome. Isn't it great that I can be a pain in the a** from 100s of miles away?
    I can't imagine a 90/10 split. Maybe 60/40.
    Going out to a lake or park (some times Geo Caching).
    Going to Target or any store where we can look at and pick out clothes for the boys on clearance.
    Barnes & Noble.
    Um, no, that is why I am scheduled to run a in CO in Aug. And, thinking about a run in October.
    If we are going to spend money on a hotel room, it better be for vacation not just a one hour fling. Otherwise, I don't want to spend money on that. Otherwise, if I am shopping with an eye of what can I wear to make my dh happy, then, that doesn't leave a lot of money, once you get over the grocery money, for me to be spending not on our relationship.
    P. 140 work schedule would be the biggest wrench in that.
    P. 141 it takes a lot of talking to get to where I am up for going that deep. Wonder what the fast path is to getting there?
    You have inadequacies? <3 you.
    I know my brothers have commented on how "pushy" I can be. However, I don't see myself as being pushy. Especially, when I, by their description, manage to be pushy without even having to open my mouth more than once.
    P. 146 As you said, if I must pick one, sex, I guess. Because I can feel myself get grippe, if it has been awhile.
    P. 158 My or or or would be a wife who gives in just because Biblically she believes she must. They might be having sex, but there marriage isn't good.
