Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Exploders

 funny, laught, mood, pictures, fun

The Exploder Who Shames Herself
*"Do not check in with the screaming demands of the world before you exchange whispers with God."
* "the balance between the two (unhealthy exploding vs unhealthy stuffing) is soul integrity where our honesty is godly."
*"sip the shame so you won't have to guzzle the regret."
*focuses on Ephesians 6

Crafting My Response Template
1) "Begin by honoring the one offended...  (point out a good quality)
2) Keep your response short and full of grace...
    A line to acknowledge the expressed hurt...
    A line to clarify my intentions...
    A line of gentle honesty about the issue at hand...
    A line of apology if appropriate...
    A line asking for grace...
3) End by extending compassion."

"Choosing a gentle reply doesn't mean you're weak; it actually means you possess a rare and godly strength."

The Exploder Who Blames
*"So, here's one little tidbit I'm learning.  When someone else's actions or statements threaten to pull me into a bad place, I have a choice.  I do."

*"When I react by yelling, flying off the handle, or making a snappy comment, I basically transfer my power to the other person."

Holy Restraint
*"...self-control is the external expression --the evidence --of a well-done center that helps us to respond in more godly ways."

Finding the Quiet
1) "In the quiet, we feel safe enough to humble ourselves."
2) "In the quiet, God lifts us up to a more rational place."
3) "In the quiet, anxiety gives way to progress."
4) "In the quiet, we acknowledge that our real enemy isn't the other person."
5) "In the quiet, I can rest assured God will use this conflict for good--no matter how it turns out."

How are you doing on following Ephesians 6:19?  Every time you open your mouth, do you proclaim the Gospel?
Do you quote God's Word in the present tense?  What is your favorite passage to quote or read in the present tense?  Lysa mentions 1 Peter 5:6-8.
Are you making imperfect progress?

Monday, November 19, 2012

What Kind of Unglued Am I?

The above chart is not for labeling but for identifying.  You may discover you fit into more than one category depending on the person you are interacting with and the situation.
The "four categories of unglued reactions...
Exploders who shames themselves
Exploders who blames others
Stuffers who builds barriers
Stuffers who collect retaliation rocks"

Exploders who shame themselves do not necessarily do it by getting loud.  It might be by just turning up the intensity.

"Soul integrity is honesty that's godly."
"Saying 'I'm fine' to keep the peace, when we're not fine, isn't honest."
"Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation is optional."
"...when we are wise, we pause and measure our words to get at the heart of the issue without sabotaging the heart of our offender."

Not sure where you fit?  Take the Unglued Assessment .
Okay, know where you are?  Do you find yourself in all four categories at different times?  Just one or two sound like you?
Did you take the on-line assessment?  Did it surprise you?