Thursday, May 31, 2012

What's Your Mom Doing in Bed With Us?

What 3 words best describe your relationship with your dad? (p 57)

In what ways do you want to be like your mom?
In what ways do you not want to be your mom?


  1. Dad: loving, curious, happy
    I remember my dad reading aloud to us, taking us on bike rides, teaching me backgammon and wanting to spend time with us. He was always reading, starting a new hobby and doing something on the computer.

    It was really difficult when he was killed. His death is why I came to Christ because I knew I couldn't control anything and I wanted to give my life over for Christ to control (or not live any more).

    I would like to think my husband is a better version of my dad.

    Ways to be like my mom:
    1. I want to love kids like my mom.
    2. I want to be hardworking like my mom.
    3. I want to meet the physical needs of my family like my mom.

    Ways to not be like my mom:
    1. I want to read. I have only ever seen her read a magazine.
    2. I want to follow Christ. My mom is Catholic simply because her parents were but I'm not sure what she believes.
    3. I want to teach my children. I only remember my dad reading to us and helping us with our homework.
    4. I want to be a continual learner, have hobbies, have friends, feel relaxed, care for others, and be honest.

    I feel frustrated my mom and I aren't close. I have asked her why we aren't but she thinks we are. I know she did the best she knew how and we weren't harmed but I have prayed getting over the feeling of being cheated that she didn't teach us about Christ and doesn't fully love us. She only loves the part she identifies is like her.

    See, lots of horrible feelings my husband has to compete with.

  2. The part about page 57 and the question I posted and the others that were written, is more so for me, thinking, "What three words are my boys going to use to describe me?"

    As for my answer: loving, scary, listener.

    I want to be like my mom in that I want to be in my 50s and healthy. It is sad to me to see how many women can't get on the floor to play with their grandkids or have parts of their bodies that hurt to where they can't pick-up their grandkids or travel or enjoy hobbies.

    I don't want to be like my mom in that I want to have a better relationship with my grown sons than my mom has with my brothers.

    Their is a fine line between how my mom is in her relationship with God and my relationship with God. There are some aspects I truly admire about my mom's faith (i.e. going to adoration every Thursday night for most of my life, going even if it means going alone, etc.) However, there are things I dislike about my mom's faith (i.e. she doesn't read her Bible; she has a, "we will just have to wait and see," attitude about heave).

    I am amazed at how much closer my mom and I have become since she was at the birth of each of the boys. I couldn't have done labor without her. She is my perfect doula. :-)

    1. What 3 words are your boys going to use to describe you? For a moment when reading, I thought you had used the words you used to describe your dad as describing yourself!

      Is your mom a believer? "We will just have to wait and see." Sounds like Lera and my mom. It would make me say 'no.' But I remember you saying, "If someone says they are a follower of Christ than you must take them at their word and treat them as your believing brother." (Paraphrased from a discussion about your cousin.)

  3. I don't know what three words the boys would use to describe me. And, I know it will be different for each boy. So, what 9 words are they going to use to describe me?
    Luke: Lazy, Nagging,
    Jason: Busy, Pushy,
    Jacob: Unresponsive, Difficult,
    Much easier to come up with the negative stuff they might say than the positive.
    The lazy vs. busy is based on their motivation levels. Luke is way more on the go than I am. Where Jason would be content to just stay home and be in the house.
    I don't know that she is or isn't. There are moments where I am like, "Yes, yes, she is." And, moments where I'm not so sure. She very much so has a wait and see attitude about who gets into heaven. She believes my dad, her parents, her, and I will go to heaven. Last we talked about it, she wasn't so sure about Thomas. I really wish I knew for certain, but she doesn't want to talk about heaven on Biblical terms.
    I have asked her about reading the Bible and it is to scholarly for her. She says if she has questions about the Bible she just asks me. Which leaves me a little confused because I don't recall her ever asking me a Biblical question.

    1. Geesh, what would your children say positively about you? Did you ask them to describe you?

    2. What words will Nola use to describe her daddy?

    3. I sometimes worry Nola will say her Daddy doesn't listen to her. He does listen when I point out she is talking but he tunes a lot out. Plus, Nola talks a lot. Often he doesn't understand what she is saying about princesses and ponies.

      I would hope she would say loving, fun, attentive, patient, caring, provider, ... also smart aleck, procrastinator, and computer geek.

  4. I would like to ask them, but it is in the lens of before puberty. And, the response would depend on their mood. Loving, patient, caring, provider, sound nice but aren't words the boys use. Luke has told me I am special and beautiful.
