Thursday, June 28, 2012

If Mick Jagger Can Still Sing, We Can Still Do the You-Know-What

"Everyone pause for a second and, just for the heck of it, think about Mom and Dad having sex." (p 286)
"...research shows that the couples who may have the most satisfaction with their relationship (including their sex life) are couples in their fifties and sixties." (p 287)
"3. Have sex with your dentures out.
 4. Have sex every day for a week in a different room of the house." (p 290)
"I'm going to be 70 soon...Any tips for my wife and me?" (p 290)

Does that creep everyone out (related to the first quote)?


  1. p.286 Doesn't bother me. My parents 'slept' in every Saturday morning. We ate ice cream for breakfast and watch cartoons. We put water in the Little People swimming pool. We built tents and played Legos. I didn't see or hear anything but I knew we weren't suppose to bother them.

    p.287 Hope for the future. And now I'm a little grossed out with my mom and my stepdad. Although, I know what lingerie my mom has. Whatever. She isn't bitching at me so things are good.

    ...okay? Are you wearing dentures today?

    p.290 Always fun in a new house.

    Remember when the author said that people are generally unattractive? Yes sometimes it creeps just me out because people aren't really attractive. I remember Liz once saying that her neighbors couldn't have sex because they tried but it didn't work because they were too fat. That has really stuck with me.

    Other than that I'm good if I don't have to see anything. Nudity doesn't equal sex to me. But when our children get married and move to a nudist colony that will be put to the test. :)
    (Reading her book, "That girl is me. That boy is Boo. Evie can be the dog." Evie now points to the dog on each page of the book. The girl encourages her, "That's you!" Then she laughs while trying to say puppy.)

  2. Poor Evie!
    It doesn't bother me but people refer to it so often when trying to make others squirm that I am curious if it grosses out most of the population?
    Glad your mom isn't bitching at you.
    I do like the hope of sex being better in our 50s and 60s.
    The denture thing made me laugh. Especially considering how many people think sex stops when you get married or right after you have kids. To think sex is better in your 50s and 60s and especially the gentleman who was in his 70s, that's GREAT!
    Do you want me to tell Luke the next time he asks why you moved that it was so you would have a new house to have "fun" in?
    So glad you shared Liz's comment. I DID NOT need that mental image. :-p
    They will definitely be visiting us and us not so much visiting them, I think.

  3. I think, people just have trouble talking about sex because we aren't taught how to do so. My mom specifically told me I should not be talking to my friends about my sex life.

    I'm so glad you are excited to have sex in your 60s. I really haven't thought about it. My husband will be 40 next June. Hahaha. I should ask him if he has thought about having sex in his 60s. (He hasn't I'm sure. He doesn't plan ahead like that.)

    Poor Luke. I am going to be telling that butter knife story at his finance's bridal shower.

    I HAD to share Liz's comment. I'm so glad it is stuck in your mind. It is PAYBACK for what you told me about having sex too many days in a row. ...My husband was reading over my shoulder last night when I first read this post. He asked what you had said and I told him I spared him from knowing.

    Our poor children with the arranged marriage. I am going to have to have another girl so all three of your boys have someone to marry.

  4. He will not be happy with you when you do, but she will, God willing, think it is cute.
    Luke and Evie? or Jacob and Evie?
    It would definitely make family functions easier to coordinate.
    Rick is/was a little shocked when he discovered that my friends and I talk about sex. I think he is getting use to it.
    YOUR husband, plan that far ahead...LOL! Good one!
