Monday, August 31, 2009

Chapter 9

Developing a Girl Scout Mentality (or is it a Nike Mentality?)

Confidence Busters and Boosters
1) Burning the Candle at Both Ends
1) Reserving Energy for Life's Priorities
2) Neglecting Personal Hygiene
2) Showering and Shaving
3) Wearing Granny Panties
3) Wearing Comfortable. Sexy Lingerie
4) Fearing Intrusive Children
4) Claiming a Parental "Time Out"
5) Getting Sidetracked by Surroundings
5) Creating a Peaceful Private Sanctuary
6) Letting the Well Run Dry
6) Keeping Lotions and Potions Nearby
7) Feeling Like a Piece of Meat
7) Feeling Like a Sexual Goddess

When are you busted?
When are you boosted?
Where have you found "comfortable, sexy lingerie"?
How does the whole only shaving the lower part of the leg play into "Showering and Shaving"?
What makes your bedroom a "Peaceful Private Sanctuary"?


  1. K, buckle up this is looking to be a long post!
    First of all, what mom doesn't burn the candle at both ends? Its so hard to reserve your energy for everything you consider a priorty. I have really come to find that some times you just have to say NO to everyone else around you so that you can carve out the family/hubby time you need. I was right in the middle of that struggle this week with people from church and school knocking down my door to volunteer for everything. My knee jerk reaction is to say yes, I can do it all! My bad back this week has really put that in perspective and forced me to just back off of everything. If I can't find time to take care of myself, my kids and most of all my hubby's needs then its gotten out of hand. My own mother who is a Preacher's Wife says that my main mission/goal/priority/area of service is for and to my children and my hubby. There will be time for other areas of service at other times of your life. That's not to say don't serve...just prioritize. Anyway thats my soap box for #1 &2
    As far as personal hygiene goes I am sort of anal retentive about it. I seriously have a hard time having sex unless I've done what I need to do for myself. Absolutely NO granny panties unless its the first month or two after my c-sections.
    As far as sexy lingerie goes, I'd prefer comfort and sexy to go together...but I actually prefer to sleep fully clothed. Socks included. So yeah, I often do a wardrobe change in the middle of the night just so that I can sleep in comfort :)
    Intrusive children can sometimes be an issue, it will be nice when they are in school full time :) Honestly, I'm not quite sure how homeschooling moms find the time, but I spose most of their hubby's have "normal" schedules. Still working that one out.
    Unfortunately our bedroom is not a sanctuary. I wish it were, but sometimes I feel like its grand central station with kids toys, laundry piles etc. etc. and its not that big to begin with!
    As far as things I keep on hand...I don't mind branching out a bit and I keep a drawer that lets just say the m-i-l would not be welcome to go through.
    I am boosted when I really do take the time to pamper myself. Take a bath, shave and the whole 9 yards. I've even taken a step on the wild side this summer and ventured into the land of Brazil. Let me tell you girls its got definite rewards and honestly I don't know what the big deal is about it! Not that bad! It doesnt matter that only 2 people know about really goes a long way to making you feel a little exciting, spicy, and yeah a little bit like a goddess :)
    K enough from me for now.

  2. I am sadly just posting to get it over with before we leave on vacation to MO. The baby is having a cow because something unknown to us is not to her liking at the moment.

    1) I try to not stay 'yes' to everything and to relax. It is easier to relax with a clean house, though. I did say no to tutoring Korean students this year. I am happy if I feel I have done something helpful for someone else, when I am creative, and when my mind is busy.

    2)I am horrible at shaving my legs I always miss spots. No one seems to notice but me and I care sometimes but not all the time.

    3) Nursing bras are not sexy.

    4) My child can't walk. She thinks she can crawl but it is more like scooting without a purpose. She is too little to have these worries.

    5)We use laptops in our bedroom. When I asked my husband if he would classify our bedroom as an 'intimate sanctuary' he said no but that our room is relaxing.

    6)No secret drawer. We had that discussion in our pre-marriage mentoring.

    7)I can't recall a time when 'piece of meat' would have fit the description of the situation. 'Goddess' would be nice but not really in my vocab either.

  3. So, Cody and I just had an amazingly difficult and honest discussion last night about our intimacy and the main issues were cleared up. Overall, I think we're doing well as long as he works on his issue and I work on mine. By the way, my issue was not addressed by the book and I think that's sad. But, I suppose she couldn't get to everything!

  4. The company that decideds to market sexy nursing bras could make a killing.
    Congrats, Liz, on your great talk.
    Busted, hello, have you met my children and seen our old bedroom? Doors with locks are wonderful things. Thank you, God, for our new house and new bedroom.
    Boosted, can't handle hair on my legs, it drives me crazy. (I realize that statement makes me sound crazy.) My mom and my cousin told me before I was married that after a few years of marriage I could stop shaving my thigh area (YUCK!) I actually, lean toward one of my aunts she carries a razor in her car incase she finds a spot she missed. Like the sexy lingerie, but hate the price.
    Locks make for peaceful private sanctuary.
