Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 7 -- Prophecy and Purity

There's no better book with which to defend the Bible than the Bible itself. ~Dwight L. Moody

Mark 13-16
Leviticus 1-18

How did you experience God's heart in this week's reading?
Something you learned or an insight you gained.
A verse or passage you'd like to remember.


  1. Leviticus 15:27...Based on this verse alone, why would a husband want more than one wife? For that matter, why would he want daughters?

    1. They wanted children. Okay, maybe they just wanted boys. I don't know why. Why do people get married now?

      There are a lot of rules in Leviticus- A LOT. There is a lot of talk about blood and semen and rashes and just other icky things.

      So my husband said Leviticus is rules for priests because there is no government.
      They are like doctors? I don't get it.

      Why are there all these rules about periods?

    2. I honestly do not understand why non-Christians get married. I know some of it is pressure from parents and/or grandparents, but, otherwise, I don't get it.
      That was the sense I got that the priest was like a doctor.
      Um, yeah, the rules about periods just I can't imagine being a young girl trying to keep yourself and your husband and anyone else in your home from being soiled by your period.

  2. The Bible keeps speaking of Aaron wearing linen garments when he goes before the holy place. So, why do Catholic priests and other church leaders where fancy robes?

    1. Don't know. I wondered about that too. It was very particular about how they dressed. Do Jewish leaders still dress this way? How did other traditions come about?

    2. I would guess some do because of the black robes you see in pictures and video of Jewish leaders. The black robes they are wearing look like they could be made of linen...

  3. Where in a desert were they getting water for all the washing they were suppose to be doing?

    1. This is a great question. I thought they had wells.
      I think some of these rules were to keep them healthy and set them apart from the other culture.

  4. They probably had access to some wells, but think of the shear number of people they had traveling through the desert. How would they pull enough water out of those wells to water all the animals much less all the people and their endless laundry?
    But, then, again, this was set up before they failed to enter the promised land. So, I beat it got a whole lot more awful after that.
