Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm Not a Freak-out Woman

Stressed and freaking out woman stock photography 

"We won't develop new responses until we develop new thoughts.  That's why renewing our minds with new thoughts is crucial."
"I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control."
"Could I trust God and believe that He is working out something good even from things that seem no good?  You see, if I know there is potential good hidden within each chaotic situation, I can loosen my grip on control."
"I can rest in the fact that God is in control.  Which means I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control."

Have you erased the word impossible from your vocabulary?  Christ can do all things including helping us with our actions and reactions.
Have you redefined your trajectory?  How are you choosing to make "imperfect progress"?
Looking for real life examples of, "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  (2 Corinthians 10:5)


  1. I don't live like all things are possible. Is this weird? The one thing I really want is to sell one painting but I don't ever pray for it because I don't think it will ever happen.

    I think, sometimes I enjoy being sad. I idolize the strongly negative emotions because they are so intense they can be intoxicating. Plus, feeling something is often better than feeling nothing at all.

    "Imperfect progress." I am practicing here expressing my thoughts.

    I don't know if I have an examples of taking thoughts captive to be obedient to Christ. I let my thoughts control me. I have to keep things semi-in-check or I wouldn't even drive anywhere because I would be so fearful of my children being killed.

    I would say, I do feel better if we spend time at home with just quiet. Well, not real quiet but no external sounds just one little girl running around in her underwear yelling, "Attention all of Equestria" and the other little girl saying, 'dump, dump' as she dumps out blocks everywhere.

    1. It would happen so easily if you ever asked for/accepted payment for all the pictures of children you have done.
      Strongly negative emotions being intoxicating? Sounds horrifically depressing. :-p

    2. So you would like to owe me $150 for the paintings of your boys? ;), I paid for the framing of one of the paintings as well. You are racking up quite the bill.

      I actually have three paintings (of siblings) that need the color pencil work done on them sitting on the buffet. Then I have a painting to do for my mother-in-law. Then I will probably start on a different set of siblings.

      ...part of me just feels like they aren't good enough to get paid for. Justice tells me that isn't true and he has even chewed me out before about it because it makes it seem like I don't consider them art and more difficult for people to get paid that do make a living selling their artwork. ah... you have helpful suggestions about this topic since I have been thinking about it lately?

  2. I know this is an old post, but I'm new at this. :)
    When I think of taking my thoughts captive to be obedient to Christ, I think of life homeschooling my children. My husband and I have four ages 10, 9, almost 8, and 6 and a half. This year homeschooling, I have been trying to be consistent starting each school day praying together. I notice a HUGE difference in the way I talk to and with the kids when we pray. I make sure that I pray out loud for each one of us so they can hear me pray for them and myself. I pray that I will be slow to anger, and then when I speak with them, I will speak with a loving and soft tone, not one of anger and frustration. There are some days we forget, and then one of the kids will remind me. When that happens, we stop what we are doing and pray. I pray that this is an example to my children of a regular person striving to follow Christ, good days and bad.

    1. I am SO not good at what you just described. But, like you am striving to do better because I know my patience with my oldest (and currently only homeschooled) child is better when we pray for our day. Next year, there will be 2 and prayer will greatly needed.

    2. Haha, yes prayer will be needed for the second child. He is so wonderful.

    3. Emily, I think this is a great example of taking control of your thoughts. And no worries about this being an "old post." Jessica likes to go on posting binges, so we just discuss as we go at her whim. :) She is getting better about posting pictures and posting in a more timely manner.

    4. Emily, yes!!! This is where I am right now! Curbing what we say and HOW we say it is a major work in progress right now. I pray for my kids constantly, but I don't too often pray for myself in front of them. I really want to make this a habit as well. I know that if we are seeking Gods help in it that he can gives us the victory day-to-day, but my problem is I so often fail to ask Him!! Do I think He wont help me? That my mouth is too big a job for Him to handle? I want to be sweet/compassionate to my kids. I don't want to be the drill sargeant I sometimes feel I have to be :(

  3. I am a work in progress on erasing impossible from my vocabulary. Largely it has been removed because when I use the word "impossible" or "never" or even "very unlikely" it is like telling God, "BRING IT ON!" I am even to the point where I cringe or step back when someone else uses those words because I know God will accept the challenge and since nothing is impossible for Him the person is pretty much just killing time waiting to be surprised by the "impossible."
    Going to see Pastor Jeremy with my mother-in-law. Calling Jane my mother-in-law. I know there has to be middle ground between stuffing and exploding and I am determined to find it.
    I think one of the things about being a Christian that I give full credit to God for (given Him captivity over) are the thoughts my grandma has shared from her child-rearing years of, "I don't want them to go somewhere without me because what if something happens to them while they are gone. I would prefer we all go and all die." I think between her and my mother-in-law's anxiety, I would be in the same boat if it weren't for Christ.

    1. Hahaha, I love "I ...step back."

      I am so proud you are going to see Pastor Jeremy with Jane. YEAH!!! I am really impressed Jane is going too. When you find the secret between stuffing and exploding, let me know. According to the book, I would say it lays in letting go and giving it to God but I just don't know how you are in that constant state of mind. What does that feel like?

      Are you really that mad at Jane? Or is she just who you project other anger at because it has become a safe habit? I know, she is irritating but she isn't harmful, generally.

    2. I think I really am that mad at her. I hate what she did to her son. And, she claims everything was pretty well settled before I came along. Well, I need my time to process the hurt that was done because my husband has parenting issues related to his mom not being present. I have children who have a family history of not just alcohol abuse but prescription drug abuse which keeps me aiming to keep them far away from prescription drugs.
      Not to mention, that I learned last week that talking about things in a calm voice just brings up her anger. So, I'm not sure how we get to a point where we both can say things without making the other one stuff or explode.
      I'll let you know when I figure out what it feels like to be in a constant state of giving it to God because I'm not there yet.

    3. Does her son care what she did? He seems indifferent.

      I need lots of time to process things too which I think causes some of my issues because I want to bring up things that seem old to someone else but are still a fresh hurt for me.

      Your husband does have parenting issues.

      You are so aware of your family history and potential pit-falls.

      Why does being calm make her angry?

      My toddler asked me to spank her today. She asked. Honestly, that drives me crazy. She shouldn't want your punishment. And if you aren't going to take your nap that's fine just stay in your room until 3. Also, while I am asking for simple things that are apparently ridiculously difficult for a little person-- please, please, please go to sleep at night and stay asleep.
