Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chapter 12

Redefining "Normal"

Blue Issues:
1) Is it normal that my husband wants sex practically all the time?
2) Is it normal that my husband wants to engage in anal sex?
3) Is it normal that my husband completely disconnects after sex?
4) Is it normal that my husband has a sexual fetish?

Pink Issues:
1) Is it normal that I want to have sex all the time?
2) Is it normal that I prefer to fake it rather than exert the necessary energy to experience orgasm?
3) Is it normal for me to break down and cry or break out in laughter after experiencing orgasm?
4) Is it normal that my body makes some strange sounds during sex?

That wraps up her discussion of mental obstacles. Physical coming next week...

Questions for discussion...
Was this chapter reassuring to you?
What in this chapter, if you don't mind sharing, did you find most beneficial?


  1. Yes, I'm always reassured when Pink issue #1 comes up for conversation. I think I'm more interested because I crave my husband's attention more than the actual physical act. And because I love his undivided attention and we have small children who suck up every other free minute we have, this seems like a good way to get some of that attention.

  2. Pink issues 3 and 4 were good for me. I get self-conscious about 4 especially. So, it was good to be reassured that it is normal.

  3. I'm starting to get into a 'we need problems so I can fix them' mindset. That's not good.

    I would agree with Liz that I very much enjoy the undivided attention.

    Apparently, my husband is weird because he likes to cuddle.

    I would say my willingness to exert the energy for orgasm isn't always there but that doesn't really bother me. Crying is good and noises don't bother me.

    I don't really think of us in comparison to other people. I have anxiety about odd things-- no anxiety about sex or parenting but tons over a clean house.

  4. I got over pink issue #4 pretty quick. #3 heh there are times when I don't even wait for the O to laugh :) Sometimes its just funny! :) The whole working for the O has been more of a struggle for me with the physical problems I've had in the last 2 years. Its just started to get better and now I'm going to go through the whole recovery process again. I think the effort is more on the part of my hubby than myself even. If he's willing to go the extra mile or 10 to get me there...why not enjoy the effort? :)

  5. You are so right about laughing. Sometimes it is just funny.
