Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 4: I AM


When Scripture comes alive in our hearts, it doesn't inform us as much as transform us.
~Margaret Feinberg

Reading for the week is Matthew 16-28 and Exodus 1-9.

Share the Journey
How did you experience God's heart in this week's reading?
Something you learned or an insight you gained.
A verse or passage you'd like to remember.


  1. 18:12 Impressed by Jesus' ability to share the same information, different parable. Reading Matthew 18:12 made me think of the wayward son. God really wants us right where we are not once we have figured it (whatever it is) out. He wants us right in the middle of the mess we are in and He rejoices in getting us right where we are. Praise GOD!

  2. I still find it difficult that He isn't calling everyone to do the same thing. This is why people have different interpretations of the same passage. Sodom burned to the ground because they did not believe in God and were continuing to live in sin. I assume this is why people say homosexuality is a worse sin? So all I read was that men having sex with men is a sin. Did I miss it saying something else in Genesis? Jesus never says anything about homosexuality directly. pastor actually addressed this during his sermon last Sunday.

    1. He said that there are people who are in our church that are homosexual. He said homosexuality is a sin when acted upon. He said the Bible specifically having sex with the same-sex person is a sin. It was nothing earth shattering but it was nice to hear him say it in front of the congregation.

  3. I find it odd that Moses does not have a name until Pharoah's daughter names him Moses.
    And, Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen."
    I am assuming that other translations use respond instead of chosen? Chosen is an odd choice of words. Although, it does answer the argument of, "I do have to do something to earn salvation, I have to accept/respond/etc." Well, no, you don't. God calls you and chooses you. You have no say in it.

    1. I don't know if you want to name a baby that you know is going to die.

      Respond and chosen go together. The Lord knows who will respond. do have say. You have free will to not respond to his call. To not accept Jesus as the Son of God and ask forgiveness for your sins. I know people who believe Jesus is the Son of God but who I don't believe are saved because they haven't asked for forgiveness of their sins and try to live like Christ.

  4. Matthew 13:24 parable about the tares. I don't remember that. That is the reasoning why evil people are still alive.

    I was reading aloud the feeding of the 4,000 in Matthew 15 and I asked Nola, "What does Jesus like to eat?" Nola answered, "Fish." Then Evie, who was reading books on the floor, chimed in, "Cookies!!!"

    Matthew 17 starting at 27. Why was their a coin in the fishes mouth? Was this showing that God provides and they didn't have to earn money for their taxes? I don't get the point of this story.

    I liked the conflict resolution in Matthew 18 starting at verse 15. I am assuming this only applies to believers, specifically believers in your own church. It was interesting that you aren't to kick that person out of church but to treat them as a Gentile. I have never seen that happen. Have you?
    Where in the bible does it say how to deal with conflict with non-believers?

    Matthew 18 starting at 21 says we are to forgive others because God forgave us. It is nice to know where that is in the Bible. We also read the Golden Rule in the Bible of treating others how you wish to be treated. That is interesting to point out to non-believers.

    What change do you see in yourself from attempting to read the Bible in a year versus the change you see when studying for BSF?

  5. I like that I pull from the reading in a year and tie it into my BSF answers. I like that if I sit down and do my BSF in one shot I still have something to help me get in the Word everyday.
    That would be my guess, that God is showing He provides. Since they were fishermen, they were doing their old job to earn the money to pay the taxes.
    No, I have not. However, I'm thinking that most conflict stays between the few and doesn't get to the before the church. And, it seems like if it does go before the church that someone gets offended enough to leave the church.
    And, yes, I would assume it would have to be conflict between two people attending the same church. I have heard stories of it happening, where a couple had a sin issue that went before the church, they repented and were still attending the same church many years later.
    I don't know, I would really like some pointers on dealing with conflict among non-believers. I guess, Abraham and the guy whose name also starts with A that was in our BSF lesson for today. Also, Abraham and the king of Sodom.
