I promise, we will finish our discussion of Unglued.
However, it is a new year and with that being said, I would like to make it through the Bible in a year. So, I purchased
In the store, I did not realize it had group discussion in mind. Now, I know. So, the reading for the first week in Genesis 1-21. It averages about three chapters a day.
The reading does not continue in this pattern of from start to finish. Once we get through Genesis, it has us go to Matthew.
Your decision to open the Bible every day to look into the mirror and see truth from God makes you a light in a world filled with much darkness.
~Catherine Martin
The questions for the first week are:
1) How did you experience God's heart in this week's reading?
2) Something you learned or an insight you gained.
3) A verse or passage you would like to remember.
4) Questions.
So, I hope you will join us as we read and discuss the Bible in a year.
I haven't finished the reading for this week.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I find God's conversation with Hagar interesting every time I read it. And, then, when I think about Ishmael being a founding father of Islam it makes God's words about Ishmael make sense to future generations.
Genesis 16:12
Also, I wonder did Hagar view these words from the Lord as a blessing? When I read them, I think, "Oh my! That is more like a curse."
I haven't finished reading for this week yet either but my husband and I are taking turns reading it aloud. The girls have been pretty good about listening. It is difficult when they are so little.
ReplyDeleteI am excited about actually finally doing this but nervous that we won't make it through the whole year. It is a long book. :)
It is a long book, but, if we are doing it and Marcy is planning to join us. We CAN do it!
ReplyDeleteAlso, it helps to think of it as God's love letter to me. (Of course I say that NOW! We will see if I am still feeling encouraged by that when we are in Numbers and Leviticus.)
God's heart in that He continues to let us have free will and even to put up with us when He could just wipe us out. It would, I would think, be easier to wipe out free will at the time of the flood, or the tower of Babel, or when destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. His willingness to put up with us is good for my heart to know.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading about the flood again. When we read it for BSF a few weeks ago, we picked out all kinds of details that I had never noticed before (eg Noah took more of the sacrificial animals than just two of them). But, in reading it again, I remembered the detail without really catching them again like I did a few weeks ago.
Makes me think I need to put up with more from my kids... makes me think that today after they ruined my makeup. Kids break stuff. A lot of stuff. I wouldn't make them wear the ThinkGeek shirt, "I'm the reason why we can't have nice things." but today I would consider it. Er.
DeleteI am noticing things because we just read this part. And as I read on I am wondering what BSF stuff will say like about spilling his seed on the ground and the revenge for raping Dinah.
1) How did you experience God's heart in this week's reading?
2) Something you learned or an insight you gained.
My children can listen to the Bible. They can. I need to be the example. I need to be the leader and suggest reading then my husband will go along with it but he won't suggest it. I need to expect my kids to listen. I need to believe we will make it through the Bible this year as a family because really I just want to read it by myself because it would be faster and I could do it whenever I wanted. I could get it done like homework instead of enjoying it and sharing it with my family. ...yuck, I don't want to learn that. I just want to get it done.
3) A verse or passage you would like to remember.
Nope. I am working on a little chart by the bathroom door of things I find motivating or inspirational. The first thing I have written up there is "Don't let comparison steal your joy." And I just wrote up there from BSF last week, "Even if the future looks bleak, I believe in a God of miracles."
4) Questions.
Why is there so much lineage stuff? Why do I care who is who's father and that they died? Why do they say random stuff about a person so I know it was that person and not someone with the same name?
Hi Nicole and Jessica,
ReplyDeleteI just signed up to your book club! I am very excited that I can participate in this Bible reading plan.
Lee Ping Chong