Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why Jack or Jill Is Still on Your Mind

Jack and Jill 2 - WW Denslow - Project Gutenberg etext 18546.jpg
"You can't change your past relationships.  But you can choose to move on." (p 221)
When you were young, did you fall in love -- or get the tingles? (p 221)

The Bible and this chapter speak on "guarding your thoughts," thoughts?


  1. When I was young, I got excited, 'tingles', about boys but that's about it. I have this thing... okay, I have lots of 'things.' But I am very judgmental. And I have a tendency to think guys are creepy. So when I say, "No one liked me" the true is more that no one I liked liked me back. There were creepy guys who liked me. Do you want details? I was nice and didn't tell them they were creepy.

    When did you go on your first date?

    "Guarding your thoughts." There is so much.
    My sister-in-law and one of my friends watched Sex in the City. I wanted to see an episode. So I had my husband get me a disk from Netflix. He told me I wouldn't like it but I still wanted to see it. It was bad. The 'good' girl on the show sleeps around.

    I have yet to see in 'entertainment' where someone who waits to have sex until marriage is looked upon with favor.

    ...right now. I don't know. I don't really long for anyone but my husband. I could be more careful about what I think but I don't think I am fueling my desire with sinful reading or viewing of images. I'm not running out to purchase '50 Shades of Gray."

    I do listen to some radio that might be deemed inappropriate by some. I listen with my husband. I am just not easily offended. And it is interesting to hear people who openly deny Christ and how they view the world. I think, in the Midwest, many people fool themselves into thinking God only wants them to be happy.

    ...I'm just babbling. Your turn. :)

  2. I had boys that I liked, but I was shy, to tall, and socially awkward. So, although I was nice, no boys really liked me back.
    My first date was when I was 16. I dated the guy for 6-months. He finally started sleeping with someone, because I wouldn't sleep with him, so I broke up with him.
    I hate how in 'entertainment' once you get married your sex life is over.
    I try to guard my boys thoughts. Which at this time means avoiding driving down North 48th Street. Doctor John's blonde haired, star nipple covered gal is not someone I want embedded in their minds.
    For me, guarding my thoughts is more about not reading trashy romance novels. I am surprised the wrappers that they can come in. Not reading the trash on the covers of the checkout line magazines, some of that stuff can really get me questioning what I could/should/might be doing right and wrong.
    I was at a wedding a few years back and the pastor said something along the lines of how everyone was jealous of the young newly weds. I leaned over to my dad and was like, "You must be kidding me! I don't want to go back to being newly weds." I don't. I don't want to do those years over. These years are so much better.

  3. I continue to be socially awkward. How do you outgrow that? I know, I am passing that onto my children and it makes me sad.

    Don't you always say you read that married people have more sex and are happier with their sex lives? Don't you always want to tell that to your baby brother? :)

    I think that pastor was commenting on what he wanted which is sad and offensive to his wife.

  4. I'm still not good at the social thing. But, I am getting better. For Luke, I pray a lot that he will not be as timid as me. For Jason, getting him in his comfort zone (i.e. he was allowed to wear his flame shirt to a wedding). Not that there isn't prayer involved, but it isn't the panicked prayer I had when Luke was little.

    I don't think he would believe it. But, my dad and I both agree that our sex lives are better than my youngest brother's.

  5. Your final comment is creepy and sweet at the same time.

  6. That is what I thought when I typed it. (Shrug)
