Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chapter 13

Rising to the Challenge
Hurdles Discussed...
The Monthly Challenge
The Nine-Month Challenge
The Postpartum Challenge
"Recurrent" Challenges (STDs)
Father Time Challenge
When He Needs a Little Help
When She Needs a Little Help (includes discussion of some toys)
Going to the Extremities?

Are you committed to overcoming such physical hurdles when they appear?
Have you encouraged other women in tackling hurdles in their marriages?
What do you think about toys?
What do you think about hormonal therapy?
Have you talked to older women about their experiences with hormonal therapy?
Do you ever spend time focusing on just hands, feet, and face like suggested on 210?


  1. Minus the joys (LOTS of sarcasm) of the monthly challenge and the overwhelming nauseau of the nine-month challenge, we haven't had problems yet. But like the two challenges mentioned above, I think we will continue working through them.
    I think being friends with Sarah is a continuous yes to question 2 for both of us. I value her friendship and being able to discuss this stuff at 1 in the morning.
    Haven't used toys previously, but won't say never. Not to forget to mention every woman I am friends with. I think just in being women and spending time together we encourage each other. If she can handle it, so can I.
    Hormonal therapy is scary. Definitely want more research and hope that I never get bad enough to need it.
    Not that I recall off hand.
    No, but that would be so nice.

  2. Just being able to talk about the issues has set me free in so many ways. That yes, these are normal problems many women face and there are ways to overcome them without hiding out in a box thinking there is no solution.
    For us the Post Partum challenge has been a huge hurdle. Really defeating in some respects like Why does my body react this way? My poor hubby! He has been really so very patient with me and my "issues" and willing to go the extra mile even the use of some extra "help" which if used right has been beneficial to us both.
    I would love to be able to go back in time to the days when I didn't have so many physical issues or the need for the "help" at times but I am thankful that so far it hasn't been anything we haven't managed to work through.
