Monday, September 14, 2009

Tantalizing Sexual Techniques

Before I start, the man on page 146 looks like the sower on top of the capitol building. Okay, now that that is out of my system...

Chapter 10
What really gets me going sexually is...
1) When you give me that "I want you" smile.
2) When you kiss me--I mean really kiss me.
3) When you reveal parts or all of your body for my viewing pleasure.
4) When you show me you're ino it by initiating creative sexual positions.
5) When you touch me in ways that you know send me through the roof! (Pages 135-136)

1) Effort minimal. Boost to confidence, for both of you, BIG.
2) Practice makes for lots of fun.
3) Be comfortable in your own skin. (I would add regardless of current size.)
4-5) Lots of ideas and suggestions on the remaining pages in this chapter.

Which one of you is hesitant about kissing (I mean REALLY kissing)? Looking back on the past do you get an understanding of how you and your spouse respond to REALLY kissing were formed?
How hard of a concept is that to wrap your mind around? He wants to see all of me even the stretch marks, saggy boobs, size ___, etc.
Ever had the, "I can't initiate anything. I'm suppose to be the nieve, godly wife. What if he asks where I got the idea to do that from?"
How do you combat the voice of doubt?


  1. Our first kiss was so cute. Our first date was 13 hours long. (There is not that much to do in Lincoln, that is impressive. He waits until the VERY end of the date and starts with, "I've been wanting to do this for a long time..."

    I'm still thinking about the first question.

    I think my baby belly needs to be disappearing faster; he doesn't seem to mind and I know that I just don't like it. I think, I don't like it and he shouldn't either. Didn't know this was how I was 'suppose' to be feeling. I often hear from my husband, "You think lots of things but that doesn't mean they're true." It is often my mood that makes me project my feelings onto him-- that because I think I don't do something the way I should or look the way I should that he thinks those same things.

    I don't currently have the book, just my notes from each chapter. I made a comment related to pornography. Did she say something about taking "clues" from pornography in this chapter? If that is the case, I don't think that is okay.

    Also, what does she say about digital images and movies? How are you going to keep those images secure??? Zac is a computer security guy and he said there isn't a great way to keep those images safe. You can even get things off of your digital camera card after you have deleted it!

  2. Rick is the one that is hesitant about kissing. Which makes sense. He wasn't exposed to that growing up with his parents being divorced. On the other hand, my mom use to say (when we started making gagging noises because they were being a little to PDA), "Would you rather have us fighting?" That being said I want to be able to ask that question of my kids some day for the same reason.
    It is, that is why I asked, but much easier in size 8 jeans, which are smaller than anything I have ever worn before having children. YES, I am boosting/bragging. I know I shouldn't, but I never thought I would be a single digit clothing size.
    And again, yes, that's why I asked. The voice of doubt is hard to beat. But, it is amazing to me that when I do get over the voice of doubt how eager Rick is and how much we both enjoy whatever it was that I was being so hesitant in saying or doing.

  3. I don't have a special place to post this. But in Sunday School this week we were studying Ester 2. We were discussing how "It is tough being a woman in a world where beauty is a treatment."

    I was SO amazed how many of the women said, "I'm not beautiful." And how open they were to say they judge people that are beautiful; they think they are stupid. I pushed their buttons by only saying a few things. I really wanted to read a section from our book but restrained myself because it would more just bring me joy than actually help them at that point.

    How do you put into words how important it is to like the way you look? (Because God made you that way. So you show your husband he is right for liking the way you like. So you teach your child to love the way she looks.)


  5. God doesn't make junk. If they are God's masterpiece they are beautiful.

  6. I think Cody and I are pretty healthy in the sense that we both are ok with affection in front of our kids because we both saw it growing up and we're both basically ok with our bodies. I know I need to lose 10# to fit into my winter clothes and I feel better when I exercise (starting again now that weather is nicer). But I'm pretty interested in intimacy so I put up with the state of my body.
    I do have the voice of doubt when I'm interested and he's not. But I think it has a whole lot to do with communication of "I'm super stressed and not interested right now" that I need.
    As far as the pictures go, we're both kind of nervous and uncomfortable with variety. Like, it seems fun in my head, but in real life it weirds me out.
