Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Misunderstood Art & God's Grand Adventure


Those who are called to give care and pursue it intentionally bear much fruit in their lives that they may or may not be privileged to see." (p 24)

It is interesting, to me, to read what other people think about different parts of the country when they travel and how people do or do not respond to someone saying, "Hi," to them.
When you are walking down the street, do you make eye contact and say, "Hello," to those you pass?

"I don't even know if it matters to God." (p 7) 
On days when the above seems to be the motto, what do you do to pull yourself out from the "dark side"?  (Quote from Nicole.)

Do you know Christ?  How has knowing Him made you more alert to "the fabric of human design"? (p 12)
How do you make "kindness and consideration" priorities in your daily life?  (p 12)
When it comes to the future and caring for your parents, what does your role as caregiver look like? (p 23)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Real Love for Real Life by Andi Ashworth

I received my copy of our new book today.  :-)  Thank you, Marcy.  :-)
I'm thinking, to get us started, this post will cover the Preface, Acknowledgments, and Embracing the Truth About Caregiving.
My next post and the posts after that will cover two chapters a week for the following 5 weeks.
Happy reading.  And, as Marcy told me, "Don't feel guilty for what you aren't doing.  Be encouraged by what you are doing."


As I started reading, I wondered how old she was when the first copy was released.  So, I, just now, checked the copyright date and discovered it was 2002.  It is amazing how much your life can change in 10 years.

Since a number of us have taken on the role of mommy, before becoming a mommy, would you have given yourself the title of caregiver?
What were your views of being a caregiver 10 years ago?  How has that changed as you have taken on new roles and responsibilities?
Take a Moment:  Brag about your caregiving.  What have you done in the last 24 hours to make someone feel special?